Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2013 04 Apr 21 Van Sun Run Afternoon 01a

Last weekend Vancouver had their largest yearly race - the Sun Run.

It's a huge event.

Along with the occasional eagle or two the race attracts 50,000 plus people who, huffing and puffing their way along the route run in the biggest 10k run in North America.

This year's race one was totally magical. The early morning of the day of the race arrives and the weather sucks. It's cold. The sky is overcast. Rain hast just died off but is still threatening a cold and wet return. Grrr.

Then, as if on queue, the rain stops. The clouds part, the sun blasts down on the Sun Run and, right on time the race starts.

Four hours later the run has ended and again magic happens. The sky becomes dark and brooding (this picture) and, to help out the street cleaners, the rain returns. Totally cool.

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