Friday, November 26, 2010

HR MacMillan Space Centre Vancouver Nov 25 2010 HDR.jpg

Snow arrived early in Vancouver near the end of November 2010 and while it didn't stay long it created it's usual level of chaos and, as always added a soft and gentle charm to the city core.

Looking appropriately like something straight out of a remake of the TV series Stargate or Battlestar Galactica (both filmed in Vancouver) here's the H. R. MacMillan Space Centre preparing for lift off from the late fall snow. "We're go for launch ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 .... main engine start ... 5 ..."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Beach Fireworks 01 Sunset Beach Oct 30 2010 DSC_7083.jpg

Vancouver, and most of the British Columbia lower mainland and island for that matter, is nicely laid back when it comes to fireworks. In particular during 'key moments' such as Halloween, New Years eve, Christmas eve, John Lennon's birthday, International Soap-On-A-Rope Day, etc. A popular spot for launching those $39.99 bad boys, perfectly devoid of "other stuff that can accidentally burn", is Sunset Beach in Vancouver's West End. Here's a shot of a couple close enough to feel the heat of their personal pyrotechnics last Halloween. Rock on.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beach Ave and Cardero St Vancouver Looking South IRHDR Nov 10 2010

As fall slowly trickles towards Vancouver's two weeks of winter here's a nice flair shot of Beach Ave and Cardero St just before Remembrance Day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We Come In Peace Nov 10 2010_DSC2819_20_21Enhancer

The English Bay Inuckshuk looking all ambasadorial in the later afternoon November sun. "Greetinks peables of da urt. We come in pieces."

Biennale Arc Sunset Beach Nov 10 2010 IRHDR_DSC2810_1_2Enhancer

B&W goodliness thanks to Infra Red High Dynamic Range. Sort of like the colorful icing on top of the B&W cake.

Sunset Beach Concession Stand Nov 10 2010 IRHDR

Winter, or as close as we Vancouverites get it (6'C brrrr), is settling in. The city however is not without it's Infra Red High Dynamic Range photo-ops including the silent summer time concession stand at Sunset Beach.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

HDR Hibiscus Feb 182008 Rev 2010

I loved it when the world of 35mm faded into the digital age in 1999. Since then we've gone from 1 million pixel cameras to 16 million pixel CMOS equipped devices previously the stuff of Star Trek. And, as the software and hardware evolves those HDR sequences of yesteryear get to be reborn.

With my new 8-core i760 computer system from Gateway I can scream through the latest HDR software. New software used to process an old (2008 in this case) series of HDR shots. It's like being able to process your negatives through new and improved chemicals.

I love this shot so much more than the first rev. It's more 3D.

Three years of working with Photomatrix (the HDR software I use) has taught me much. I can't wait to redo this shot in 2020.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Foggy Kits Nov 02 2010.jpg

Foggy Kits Nov 02 2010.jpg, originally uploaded by VancouverDoug.

Kitsilano BC, an urban-burb of downtown Vancouver, caught in a sunrise fog. Looking all '90s rotoscope and such. I love this treatment.

Foggy Sunrise Burrard St Bridge Vancouver Nov 02 2010.jpg

A gentle fog rolled in from False Creek towards English Bay Tuesday Nov 02 2010. A perfect mix of humidity, temperature and prevailing winds reversed the usual English Bay to False Creek path of the English Bay fog.