Sunday, August 02, 2009

Grade 1 Class Photo Page 02 Full Scan

My class photo - 1965 grade 1 ... or 1964 kindergarten. This was during the height of the cold war in Werl West Germany. I'm the kneeling ruffian on the far left. Why I'm the only one kneeling remains a mystery to this day. The anthropologically nifty part of this is that to this day I still kneel on my left knee. So much so that I've a callas on that knee but not my right. :)

From a photo restoration perspective this was a nice and clean photo. Very little yellowing after nearly 45 years of existence. What I found cute though was the goofy depth of field the photographer set. The back two rows of kids are in focus while the front two, including me (sigh) are a bit off. My guess is that the photographer took the shot with mostly natural light and an aperture in the f/4 to f/5.6 range to get a semi decent shutter speed. Narrow depths of field seem quite common in the photos I've restored from the 20th century.

This is page 2 of my school photo. Page 1 you can find here ->

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My brother is in this photo. He is in the middle row on the stairs, second from the right. His name is Ken Spence and he currently lives in Halifax, NS.