2013 08 Aug 11 51st Abbotsford Air Show 01a
During the two days I spent at the Abbotsford Air Show competing in the Black Press "The Next Generation BC Amateur Photographer of the Year" competition I took just over 1,000 photos. As it turned out my favorite shot, this one, is one that I didn't even take.
To my right (your left) is Lt. Col. Chris England, the recently minted commander of Canada's 431 Squadron, also known as the Snowbirds. To my left is Major Wayne Mott, pilot of Snowbird 1 also known as "The Boss". Lt. Col England and I are holding a photo I presented to the squadron taken of the first official Snowbird pilots on July 1971.
During the spring of 1971 the squadron had formed and needed a name. A contest was run at the local elementary schools and my entry, The Snowbirds, won. I wound up naming Canada's pre-eminent aerobatic squadron. A pretty cool life moment even 42 years later.
Prior to this photo being taken I'd sat in on the team's pre-flight briefing before yet another fantastic and high adrenalin performance. It was the most fascinating not to mention professional meeting that, in 31 years of working as a computer consultant, I had ever attended. The team went through the choreography for the show rapidly and verbally - step by tiny step - with each member acknowledging what they were to do, when they were to do it and where.
"Smoke on NOW" "Push. Push. Relax" "Smoke OFF".
In the middle of the review, which took 30 minutes roughly, Snowbird 2 abruptly informs Snowbird 4 that he's lost hydraulic pressure. The entire team then shifts into response mode describing the what, when and where of their actions in this situation with the final question being "Do want emergency vehicles?" Being totally cool and having, in a hypothetical way, landed an injured Snowbird, Snowbird 4 declines the offer to call in any first responders.
It was an unbelievably fascinating half hour. Beyond that though it was humbling to have had a chance to experience just a few minutes of what these elite pilots do day in and day out.
And, as this photo is testament to, old Snowbirds alumni don't fade away. We just turn scruffy and get to wear short pants. :)
The Snowbirds
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