Stanley the Eagle
OK. So I've no real proof that the eagle in the picture is named Stanley. I'm not even sure if he is a he to be honest.
Eagles, and Bald Eagles in particular not only occupy the top of the natural avian food chain they also, for me, define the 10 on my 1 to 10 bird coolness scale.
During the winter 2,500+ bald and golden eagles nest 30 km north west of Vancouver near the sleepy little town of Brackendale. Last December my brother, nephew, niece and I drove up to see them and while the views were spectacular we wound up in a location that was not the best for taking pictures. Too far, too cold and too cloudy.Today, while cruising through Second Beach, intent on finding some more subjects for a bit of close up macro photography, I spotted two eagles fishing just near the Second Beach pool. They were swooping and diving intent on grabbing something in the water and I kicked into high gear hoping to get closer for a few killer shots.
I was laughing an ironic, ain't life like that sort of laugh inside over the fact that when a stunning telephoto moment arrives my camera was equipped with a lens that's great for taking pictures of flowers from 6 inches away. But, in a pinch, especially when that's all ya got, a fixed focal length macro lens will do the job just fine. The eagles, who I expect are the two that annually nest inside Stanley Park, finally caught their fish, turned and flew towards me and back into the park.
It was an excellent moment and without a doubt a personal photo highlight for this year. Tomorrow some rather choice photos of tulips. A solid 7 out of 10 on my list of beautiful flowers.
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