Friday, December 31, 2010


DSCN0072, originally uploaded by VancouverDoug.

As a photographer you eventually realize that 50% of the picture is being in the right place at the right time. Timing counts for much. The other 50% of the picture comes from your skill at composition and your ability to let your camera fully express 'itself'.

This is one of my favorite shots from the first decade of the 21st century. On the far left is me, holding my first digital camera, the 1 mega pixel Nikon Coolpic 950, bundled inside Snowbird 1 5,000 ft above the Fraser Valley in British Columbia Canada. In the middle of the shot is Snowbird 3, 15 feet away, upside down. Ahhh to live that moment again.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Sunset Vancouver Dec 29 2010 Diana Lens HDR

A black and white rendition of what was a pretty colorful deep winter sunset in Vancouver - December 29 2010. This was a high dynamic range (HDR) composite of 3 images shot in color with a Diana fuzz-o-rific lens attached to a Nikon D300 digital SLR. Post processing of the HDR set was accomplished via the latest version of Photomatix Pro (4.0.2) using the B&W setting.

Post post processing via Capture NX/2.

Vancouver West End At Sunset Diana Lens HDR Dec 29 2010

I've decided that my first resolution for 2011 is to let my inner impressionistic painter take control of my photographic moments.

2009 and 2010 were all about exact focus and hyper focal calculations (yes there is an iPhone app for that). What became an often futile quest for perfect focus. It was as though each image I took had to measure up to a National Geographic cover shot. While I loved the results (mmmmm crisp) it's time to tack a new course in this infinite digital photographic sea. I resolve to let 2011 become a year of soft tones, much fuzziness and a total disrespect of laser sharp focus. My Infra Red camera is going to love me. :)

As part of this quest I've picked up a Diana lens from Photojojo and really like the first set of HDR shots we've produced.

Mmmmm .... fuzzy. :)

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Burrard St Bridge Winter Sunset Dec 04 2010

The venerable and historic Burrard Street Bridge that connects Vancouver's Kitsilano region to its downtown core. Looking all warm and magical on a cool winter's night.

North Shore Snow Laced Sunrise Dec 03 2010

After days of rain in Vancouver the perfect cure is a warm golden sunrise reflected off the snow dappled North Shore mountains.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

English Bay Blast of Sunshine DSC_7284_5_6_tonemapped

Who says Vancouver never gets sunshine during the winter? We do - in bite sized chunks 20 km away. :)