English Bay Falcon Sept 25 2010 03 DSC_6455.jpg
Yesterday, as I approached English Bay beach along Vancouver's Seawall walk I noticed the resident flock of ravens and seagulls were going nuts. Either they'd re-watched Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" the night before or a raptor was somewhere in the vicinity. It turned out it was the later and a large falcon had popped in to check out the view. Looking to snatch a tasty apartment sized doggie perhaps. :)
Each fall we Vancouverites (those that venture out into the rain that is. :) ) are treated to numerous moments like this in and around Stanley Park as the falcon and eagle 'collectives' make their way to and from the salmon feeding grounds north of here. It's always a thrill to not only see such majestic birds in the flesh but also to watch the reaction of the resident seagulls and ravens who are anything but impressed.